Amarok 2.2 "Sunjammer" released

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Thu Oct 1 21:36:12 UTC 2009

Harley Laue wrote:
> Lydia Pintscher wrote:
>> The Amarok team is proud to announce the release of Amarok 2.2
>> including a lot of goodies you all have been waiting for like sorting
>> in the playlist and the ability to change Amarok's layout.
>> Read the release notes at and
>> rediscover music with us!
> I have to say the feature I was most excited to see (which seemed like it got 
> implemented very late in the release cycle), is using an external MySQL 
> database. So thank you to all the devs that made this release happen, and a 
> special thank you for adding in external MySQL support again :)

Actually, it got implemented quite early in the release cycle...more
than three months ago.  :-)  See

It was merely the GUI stuff in the Settings dialog that came quite a bit


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