Missing features in Amarok 2.x

Maik Keller mk3ll3r at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 16:22:27 UTC 2009


i just like to ask if there a plans to add any of the following features in
future versions. If some features are already available by using additional
programs (e.g. a good tag editor) please name them because i´m quite new to
(K)ubuntu and don´t already know all of the great applications out there. If
i got some more experience in using (K)ubuntu and developing software for it
i´ll try to help developing Amarok. But for now i need to learn some basic
things in the big world of the penguin. ;)

So let´s start:

Improved cover management

- read covers of titles which aren´t in the collection and display them at
the playlist (e.g. folder.jpg)

- fetch covers from amazon and other sources and save it to a customizable
location (e.g. the folder containing the song). A great example of an
implementation of these features is the, windows only because of .NET 3.5,
program "Album Art Downloader <http://sourceforge.net/projects/album-art/>".
You can manually search for art, search for missing art in your collection
and finally just click the image of the cover you want and it will be saved
to a predefined, customizable or manually chosen location. I really miss
this kind of program in the linux world - is there a special reason why
there isn´t one?

Queue Manager

- a simple implementation like the one in 1.4 would be great because this is
a "must have" at parties

Collection management / presentation

- a possibility to automatically adjust the file name of a song if you
change it´s tags (all file names of my collection are well organized so that
they fit with the tags - and it would be great if i need to do changes just
at one place). Maybe this can be done by adding some options to the metadata
editor - a checkbox like "Change the filename, too" and some options for the
way it will be done ( [artist] - [title].[extension] ) should do the job.

- display artist and title for all songs which are listed at the various
artist section (well, just the same behavior like 1.4)

Thanks for reading and a special thanks to everybody who developed this
great application.

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