Mass Tagging

Colin Kern colin.kern at
Mon May 4 21:14:43 UTC 2009


Since the GSOC project on mass tagging didn't get in, I've decided to
take my first step into Amarok development by working on this in my
free time.  The proposal mentioned using the fingerprinting to
do the tagging, which I think is a good idea.  I have some questions
for the developers about how to go about this.

1) The software source has a folder "libFingerprint" which
seems to contain all the code needed for the fingerprinting.  Could
this folder just be copied into Amarok's source tree?

2) I remember from building the software previously that the
fingerprinter has a dependency on the libfftw package (to do the fast
fourier transforms).  Is this a dependency we want to add to Amarok,
or is there a way around this?

3) My idea for a first step would be to add a "Fingerprint" option
into the right-click menu for songs in the playlist or collection (or
both) to allow for individual tagging.  Does this sound like a good


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