InnoDB vs MyISAM tables

Simon Bühler simon at
Sun Mar 15 18:14:17 UTC 2009

Jeff Mitchell wrote:
> Ian Monroe wrote:
> >> In the bug, I made a mostly naive comment:
> >> does amarok have any buildtime or runtime checks for MyISAM
> >> functionality? If not, why not?  It would also appear amarok doesn't
> >> explicitly specify MyISAM tables, again, why not?
> >
> > It does actually. We ask for it in the initialization of MySQL.
> > Despite this it prepares innodb data files, but it doesn't actually
> > store any data in them. At least this is the case for me.
> Does this explain why it consistently complains that InnoDB tables have
> crashed and need to be recovered, every startup?
> --Jeff

yes i noticed this too and it's quite irritating, additionally those

[ERROR!] GREPME MySQLe query failed! Specified key was too long; max key 
length is 3072 bytes  on  "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX urls_id_rpath_temp ON 
urls_temp(deviceid, rpath);" 

errors keep my collection from building completely, any way to fix this? 

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