[Feedback] Mandriva packages

oliver at mandrivauser.de oliver at mandrivauser.de
Fri Jun 5 08:11:33 UTC 2009

Oliver Burger sent a message using the contact form at  

the German Mandriva community built its own packages of amarok-2.1 since it  
is unknown, when the official packages will be available as normal updates.
The packages can be found on our ftp for i586 and x86_64 systems at  
ftp://ftp.mandrivauser.de/rpm/GPL/2009.1/XXX/release/ where XXX is either  
i586 or x86_64.
We will continue building up to date packages even if Mandriva itself should  
be a little bit behind since official Mandriva update-policy does only allow  
security and bugfix updates, no new versions.

It would be nice of you to make our packages public. Thanks,

Oliver, mandrivauser.de

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