[Feedback] What did you do with Amarok?

Ian Monroe ian.monroe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 17:15:20 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Eric Altendorf<ericaltendorf at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What I missed when moving to amarok2:
>> 1) Proper support for playing FLACs from the beginning (still broken)
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198240
>> 2) Proper support for reading FLAC metadata (maybe fixed)
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198857
> As an aside, my experience filing bugs against Amarok2 has also been
> extremely frustrating.  I have been a software engineer for the past
> 15 years, so I know something about how to file bug reports.  I do my
> best to provide as complete information as I can.  The responses I've
> gotten on the reports I've filed have generally indicated (1) that the
> reader didn't really read the report, and just marked the issue as a
> duplicate of some random other thing, or (2) that the reader just
> wants to argue -- e.g., when I reported how reading native FLACs is
> broken, and the reader started hassling me for not using ogg FLACs.
> There are many reasons to use native FLACs, and many people do -- that
> was not germane to the bug report.

In your 15 years of software engineering, how often have you seen
unfiltered public bug report systems? Can you imagine trying to manage
such a thing? Don't blame the bug triagers.


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