[Feedback] What did you do with Amarok?

Casey Link unnamedrambler at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 15:59:42 UTC 2009

> I actually use the photos applet a
> lot. does it mean it's more important? no. it just reflects my personal
> opinion, as  yours does. )

I think that's an excellent point that needs some fleshing out (the
following is all my opinion, duh):

In the end, Amarok is a community developed open source project. It's
developers work on Amarok for a variety of reasons, none of which is
"make Amarok exactly what the users want." Developers work on what
they choose to work on, which most of the time is something that they
care about.

Perfect example is the equalizer, none of the current devs care about
an equalizer, so they aren't going to spend their free time working on
it. Recently some people have stepped up, who really want the
equalizer back, and have begun making it a reality.

This is my suggestion, if you want a perfect Amarok experience has can
be had.. obtain the same expectations and frame of mind as one of the
core developers. If you do, you'll find Amarok becomes more and more
amazing everytime you update.

1. Demand less. Demanding anything won't make it happen (in fact makes
it less likely to happen as devs associate negative opinions with the
demanded feature).
2. Realize: Devs work on their own time, on tasks they want to see to fruition.
3. Get into the head of a dev (avoid Markey, he may scare you. Seb is
a good choice if you like surfing, maybe Ian if you have a thing for
hair), you won't be disappointed.
4. ...
5. Profit
6. Finance Amarok development and get every damn shiny feature you so desire.


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