Amarok is now on Git

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Tue Jul 21 11:34:21 UTC 2009

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 20.07.09 11:20:47, Jeff Mitchell wrote:
>> Bernhard Auzinger wrote:
>>> not that it's important but it would be interesting for me why you guys chose 
>>> git over SVN?
>>> Rgds
>>> Bernhard
>> Bernhard,
>> We try to keep trunk usable; however, sometimes we're working on
>> features that until they're completed will massively break things. In
>> this case, we like to work on these features in branches, so that we can
>> keep committing and having our work stored in a public repository
>> without breaking trunk.
>> Branches in SVN are not so useful because they require switching around
>> your build to use different directories, whereas branches in Git replace
>> the current working tree with the branch, making them far more easy to
>> work with.
> Actually svn can do that too, see svn switch. Not that I think switching to
> git is bad, there quite some other things that work nicer in git than in
> svn. (personally I like the commit-without-network as I'm doing quite a bit
> of coding when I'm on the road and svk never worked out for me)

Hm, I never used svn switch in this manner (only for migration to a new
layout) but you're right, you could do it that way. Even so, there are
certainly other reasons -- for instance, I too like the
commit-without-network aspect.


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