Collection Scanner Missing Files

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Fri Jul 17 18:13:11 UTC 2009

Tycho Andersen wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Jeff Mitchell<mitchell at> wrote:
>> Tycho Andersen wrote:
>>>> mtimes of folders are updated when the folder is touched, or when files
>>>> are removed/added to the folder. So simply editing a file will not
>>>> update the mtime of the containing folder and thus the collection
>>>> scanner will not pick up the change unless you force it by touching it.
>>> Interestingly enough, when I touch the afflicted folders, the next
>>> collection scan seems to pick up the files. It doesn't make sense as
>>> to why they wouldn't be picked up on the first scan, but it's at least
>>> a work around.
>> What doesn't make sense? You just confirmed that it works exactly how I
>> described it working.
> Sure, on the second scan. The folders contained tracks which were
> missed on the first scan and not added to the database, for no
> apparent reason. This is the behavior that doesn't make sense to me.
> Touching the folder and forcing a re-scan of the collection seems to
> be a reliable way to pick them up the second time, though.

Unfortunately I've never seen this behavior, so I'm not sure what to
tell you.  :-| If I do see it, you can be sure I'll investigate it.


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