Problem configuring (cmake) the trunk version

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Sat Jan 10 08:13:33 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Jose Vazquez <yachar1 at> wrote:
> When I type
> cmake /datos/amarok -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull
> to configure de trunk version from svn, I get the error pasted here
> I tried to delete the cache files of cmake, and tried to delete all
> the files in amarok svn directory...but I cannot configure...

Seeing this error...

CMake Error at src/scriptengine/generator/generator/qtscript_gui.cmake:571
  if had incorrect arguments: QTVERSION VERSION_GREATER "4.4.99"
  arguments specified).

...I think your CMake version might be too old. You need at least
2.6.2 (2.6-patch 2).

Additionally, I strongly recommend _not_ to install a self-built
program in /usr. It's going to mess up your package management (if you
happen to have that). Instead follow this guide:

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer -

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