Absolutely awesome plasmoid idea: the playlist itself

Robert Smits bob at rsmits.ca
Wed Jan 7 17:06:40 UTC 2009

On December 21, 2008 04:38:12 pm Jud Craft wrote:
> I was messing around with the panes (just upgraded to Fedora 10 and
> Amarok 2) when I noticed the look of the UI after collapsing the
> playlist pane.  And I thought...hmm...looks awesome.  See attached.
> So here's the killer idea.  Why not make the playlist itself a
> plasmoid?  Then you can give the user the ability to arrange his music
> workspace any way he wants, without the feeling of an arbitrary "third
> pane" tacked on.

Why do you assume that we think plasmoids are a "great idea"? Or that we are 
using desktops that even have them? The current state of KDE4 does not 
encourage one to adopt it, and a great many of us aren't interested in it at 


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