Fwd: Proposal: Rating tag logic

Jud Craft craftjml at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 23:46:16 UTC 2009

I wish to add, however, that the "per-user" problem is actually an
inherent problem with the per-file rating tag in itself.

That, while making my proposal useless, is in fact a deeper problem
with the per-file tag metaphor than with my proposal itself.  It is as
if different users would want to give the song two different Title
tags (an absurd metaphor).  My proposal merely assumed the foolish
thing that the tags themselves assumes:  only one user sets them.

A potential remedy:  perhaps Amarok could continue maintaining
user-side metadata, and only write rating data to the file tags when a
file is transferred to a user's personal MP3 player.  (Not sure how
feasible on-transfer tag-writing is, though).

I do disagree about your first point (the changing of the rating tag):
 the underlying belief of my proposal is that like a Score, your
liking for a song (and thus its rating tag) are possibly going to
change over time, so changing the rating automatically based on how
you listen to it would not freak a user out.

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