Seeking in flac files

Tycho Andersen tycho at
Tue Dec 8 22:58:51 UTC 2009

On Tue, 8 Dec 2009, Thomas Klausner wrote:

> Hi!
> I just tried seeking to a different file location in a flac file in
> amarok-2.2.1, and it wouldn't let me -- I could drag the position bar
> there, but when I dropped it, playback would just stop and the
> position bar would be back where it started from.
> Does anyone else see this?

This happens because your flac files don't have seekpoints, which
Amarok uses to seek around inside the track. You can add seekpoints to
your flack files (assuming you have metaflac) like this:

metaflac --add-seekpoint=1s *.flac

Alternatively, if you have a directory structure full of flac files:

find . -type f -regex '.*flac' -exec metaflac --add-seekpoint=1s '{}' \;


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