[Patch] "No grouping" checkbox in playlist layout

Téo Mrnjavac teo at getamarok.com
Sun Aug 30 09:30:47 UTC 2009

Hello Tim and everyone
woah, this email seems to have been written a bit hastily, let me add
a quick correction...

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Nikolaj Hald
Nielsen<nhnfreespirit at gmail.com> wrote:
> So...
> I committed your patch and it works great. however, it started a bit
> of a discussion among the regular Amarok devs about whether grouping
> really should be integrated into the playlist layouts instead of
> something completely separate. So if you are up for it, I have an idea
> of how you can expand on the patch you already did simply the user
> experience even more, and likely deal with the remaining issues of
> your patch (the inline editing stuff) as a side effect.
> The idea is that instead of your new checkbox, we would actually have
> a drop down list for selecting the grouping mode to use for each
> layout. One of these options would be "no grouping" which would work
> much like your checkbox does now (disabling editing of header and body
> items). This makes sense, as a grouping mode is really mostly
> worthless unless there is a playlist layout that matches. (for
> instance, it makes little sense to use a layout that shows album info
> in the header if you are grouping by composer... )

However, instead of having the rendering code use the single items
layout config for both body and single tracks, you would integrate it
with the *grouping* proxy so that if the grouping mode is set to "no
grouping" it will simply return the "single" group status for each and
every track, meaning that they will all get painted using the "single"
layout config anyway. This would remove some of the code you have
added to the delegate and make sure that you don't have to special
case anything for the inline editor either.

> I think this would really tie everything together in a very nice way
> and simplify the code a bit as well. If you are interested in this,
> let me know. If not We will likely try to do it ourselves asap as we
> have a freeze coming up soon. You can go to irc channel #amarok on
> irc.freenode.net and poke either me (nhn) or Teo (Teo`) for help, or
> you can of course ask questions here.


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