Junior Job - external MySQL config

Leo Franchi lfranchi at kde.org
Sat Aug 29 19:22:03 UTC 2009

On Saturday 29 August 2009 15:01:35 Martin T. Sandsmark wrote:
> On Saturday 29. August 2009 20:57:48 John Atkinson wrote:
> > That is subjective though. If there are no plans for other engines then
> > it would make sense to remove it. In that case, perhaps the dialog should
> > be more specific as well and note being for "MySQL Configuration" rather
> > than the generic "database".
> While I personally would love Postgres support, I don't think it's planned
> (for it to be added, it would probably require someone with good postgres-
> know-how to actively maintain it).

There are no plans for anything other than msyql support. In fact, it was a 
conscious decision to standardize on 1 database to make our life easier and to 
make the user experience better. We're not SQL experts, so it makes our head 
hurt to have to manage multiple.

That said, just calling it "Database backend" could be misleading because it 
has to be a MySql database for it to work. I would vote for no combobox, b ut 
it has to be clear that it is Mysql.


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