Amarok 2 and iPhone/iPod Touch

Nicolas Will nico at
Mon Apr 13 13:29:36 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-04-13 at 15:21 +0200, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen wrote:
> > Is Amarok 2 supporting the iPhone/iPod Touch in any way?
> As far as I know it _should_ work. I don't owe an iPod myself though.

Well, it works with a regular iPod, but it ignores the iPod Touch/iPhone
with me.

> There was a major bump in the required version of libgpod recently
> though (for Amarok 2.1.0) so that might have better support.

I'm stuck with Amarok 2.0.2, with libgpod 0.6, I doubt that Amarok 2.1.0
will make it in my distro in time.

In any case, libgpod 0.6 should not be the problem, I guess, as I used
it previously with Amarok 1.4.x and my iPod Touch/iPhone.

>  I would recommend that you try dropping by our IRC channel #amarok on
> where someone might be able to help you.

And the loop is complete! ;o)

I came on the ML from recommendations made on the channel.

> Alternatively, check our forums ( for
> anyone with a similar issue.

I've looked already, and will do some more of it.


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