Amarok stopping playback seemingly "at random"?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Apr 10 18:14:05 UTC 2009


as I don't have good reproduction steps for this, I'm hesitant to file a
bugreport for now. It seems that sometimes amarok decides to stop
playback at the end of a song (no particular one, seen it with at least
5 or 6 different ones) and I can't get it to start playback again when
this happens. I need to kill amarok and restart it to have it play

Using trunk with ogg files here, I didn't have that problem until maybe
2 weeks ago (and I think my checkout is about as old, so I'll do an
update tomorrow). 

Also I think it was worse (happened more often) when I hade the fadeout
on track end enabled, but I'm not sure.

Did anybody else see something like this?


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