Various Artists GSoC project

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Wed Apr 1 02:46:07 UTC 2009

kevin larson wrote:
> I completely agree with Murph.  There needs to be a better option for
> handling various artists.  If custom tags is the only feasible way to
> solve this, shouldn't someone be working on it?   Handling of custom
> tags would go a long way towards helping with my collection, and I would
> be excited to work on something like this as part of my GSoC project.

Custom tags is the only ID3-conforming way to do it.  Misuse of frames
may be what other players do -- and it may be what developers of Amarok
decide to do -- but it's not standards-compliant (or it wouldn't be

However, this brings up a question: is it worth having a (presumed) SoC
slot spent on such a niche and Amarok-specific feature.  I don't know
the answer to this.


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