[Feedback] Amarok

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at emailgoeshere.com
Tue Sep 16 11:16:04 UTC 2008

f.brady at pandora.be wrote:
> Frank Brady sent a message using the contact form at  
> http://amarok.kde.org/en/contact.
> I'm totally new to Linux and yesterday I installed SUSE 11.0 Which seemd to  
> go OK. However when I launched AMAROK it tells me it cannot play MP3's ,  
> MP4's etc etc I found some software (plug ins)for AMAROK an downloaded and  
> installed it and it still doesn't work. What do I have to do?

Well, you could do a web search for "opensuse 11 amarok mp3", the top
result being


Which seems to give very clear instructions...


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