Scores not working in OpenSuse

Andrew Lowe andrew.lowe at
Sun Oct 12 22:13:42 UTC 2008

On Friday 10 October 2008 11:26:15 Andrew Lowe wrote:
> On Friday 10 October 2008 10:07:28 Seb Ruiz wrote:
> It looks like that, but I would think that others would miss it too, but
> then I have not had it working in amarok 2 builds at all
> btw do you know where in the source tree I would find the original score
> script?  I would not mind having a play with porting it if no one else
> is... and I might have a chance to do it this weekend.  Scripts would be
> easy to play with I would imagine :-) but scores might be one of the more
> complex algorithms?

I found the old ruby version of score default in the svn, and the algorithm is 
pretty simple.  I had a play with it on Sunday (openSuse servers were down, 
and I could not update my older version of Amarok at home )

I have worked out how to set a new score for a track, and connect to the 
signal for track-changed (and track-finished), and how to determine the 
currently playing track. 

The problem I have at the moment, is that I cannot work out the percentage of 
the track just finished, as Engine.currentTrack is the new track, and 
Engine.trackPosition is also the new tracks position (0).

I have tried saving the old track, so I know what track was playing, by using 
currentTrack, and keeping a copy.  This works well, except that there is no 
property of previous play percent, and nothing else like it.

I would be happy if I could work out a way of quering Engine.trackPosition on 
a regular basis and save the data to a variable for when trackChanged occurs.

Any hints would be great...

Andrew Lowe
    System Administrator & Programmer
        Information Technology
            Manildra Group

Email:   andrew.lowe at
Phone:   02 4423 8270
Mobile:  04 1323 8270
Fax:     02 4421 7760 

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