Scripting Service Questions

Leo Franchi lfranchi at
Tue Nov 25 21:26:17 UTC 2008

On 25 Nov 2008, at 21:22, Andreas Wuest wrote:

> hello,
> i'm the author of the german/austrian radio streams and i am having  
> the following issues / questions :
> 1. the context menu for the individual streams has an item "edit  
> meta data" : this does not really make sense, since
>    nothing can be saved!
> 2. The menu item "copy to collection-> local collection" does not  
> really make sense either. the problem is,
>    after i selected the menu item, amarok starts downloading the  
> streams (the mp3 streams, not the m3u, pls streams).

I briefly looked into this, it is slightly more complicated than a  
simple fix as that context menu action is being added in the  
CollectionTreeView (which knows nothing about specific collections or  
services), so we would need to rework it a bit.


Leo Franchi				(650) 704 3680
Tufts University 2010

lfranchi at
leonardo.franchi at

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