A suggestion for enhancement

JD jd1008 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 15:00:24 UTC 2008

Thank you Nikolaj, That is good news. Will try it.



Nikolaj Hald Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi foks,
>> I was wondering if Amarok would provide, as part of the installation, a
>> database of online radio stations streams, along with some
>> classification as to content, bitrate, stereo/mono, and language..etc.
>> Also, it would be great to provide a search engine for artist and album
>> title search of the list of each radio station selected.
> Amarok has for a long time included a list of a few "Cool Streams"
> that we, the developers had chosen among our favorites. However, doing
> an extensive list with stations form many countries and in many
> languages, and ensuring the quality and accuracy of this list is
> something we do not have th resources to do. The good news is that
> with Amarok 2 which will be released in a few weeks, we really do not
> have to.
> With the new scriptable service interface, it is really easy for 3rd
> parties to provide custom lists of stations based on language, region
> or topic, an even though AMarok 2 is not even officially out yet, many
> people have already done so. Check out
> http://kde-apps.org/?xcontentmode=57 to see the radio stations
> services that are already available. All of these can be browsed,
> downloaded and installed from within Amarok 2 with a single click.
> - Nikolaj
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