A script for double checking the mp3 tag encodings

Peter Zhou peterzhoulei at gmail.com
Sat Nov 22 15:29:01 UTC 2008

OK, here is the rough implementation of the script:

configuration dialog:
confirmation dialog:

Users should select the modules they need after installation. Then they can
try to fix their tracks by clicking the "fix encoding" menu. Please see the
screenshot to have a brief idea.

I guess Japanese, Korean, Arabic and Greek have the encoding issues? But
what's the url addresses? Any feedback will be appreciated.
The script is currently in Amarok/playground/src/scripts/encoding_fixer/.
You can try it through the latest svn version.

Many thanks!

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 6:02 PM, Gleb Litvjak <blaster999 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Saturday 15 November 2008 18:20:49 Peter Zhou wrote:
> > For example, http://mp3.sogou.com/music.so?query=Track Name
> > is the right URL for check the Chinese track names.
> >
> > Let me know if you have any idea about the local music database engines.
> > Give me some urls of the famous ones. For people who is suffering the
> > encoding problems, this is the time to fix it :)
> This is for russian songs.
> http://www.zvuki.ru/search/?query=%F1+%D3%D7%CF%C2%CF%C4%C5%CE&what=song
> The name is urlencoded (as it's in cyrillic). The "what" parameter tells
> what
> to look for. "song" means track title, "face" means artist (don't
> ask :)), "album" means album.
> Best regards,
> Gleb
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Peter ZHOU
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