tracks inserted into playlist

Peter Saffrey pzs at
Thu Nov 13 12:32:52 UTC 2008

I listen to Amarok using the Random Mix dynamic playlist. I like the 
fact it shows me what tracks are coming up - I can remove ones I don't 
feel like hearing, or dump in whole albums to listen to with random 
resuming after that.

I would like to augment this behaviour by including a track recommended 
by (not from my collection), say, once every 10 songs. Can I do 
this with Amarok? How?

Amarok seems to implement as a single virtual track, that just 
plays without moving on. I prefer the method used by Banshee, where it 
puts a few recommended tracks into the playlist where I can see what 
they are.

Apologies if this question has been answered before. The mailing list 
archive doesn't seem to have a search feature.


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