patch for things on

Seb Ruiz ruiz at
Wed Nov 5 23:13:41 UTC 2008

2008/11/6 Lydia Pintscher <lydia at>:
> On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:46 PM, Lydia Pintscher
> <lydia.pintscher at> wrote:
>>> Here's another one.
>>> And yes, I would love to help out with smaller things. The thing is, I've
>>> never worked on any projects > a few k lines, so even the junior jobs on bug
>>> tracker seem to be a bit beyond me atm. But if you have anything I can help
>>> with where I don't have to know the whole grand scheme of things, I'll
>>> happily give it a try.
>>> Florian
>> Thanks Florian :)
>> Did someone look at this patch already? Nikolaj?
>> Cheers
>> Lydia
> Ping about this again!
> Did someone look at this and check it in?


Seb Ruiz

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