Amarok and playlists

Yan Seiner yan at
Mon May 19 14:31:25 UTC 2008

I finally got my Sansa mp3 player to play nice with hal, amarok, and 
everything else.  (Thanks for the help, everyone.)

Now I have one more question:

The Sansa E2x0 v2 mp3 players store playlists as .m3u files in the 
/MUSIC directory.  The playlists are relative to the /MUSIC directory.

When I download a playlist to the player with amarok, I'd like to have 
the m3u file as well.  Is there any way to get amarok to generate a new 
playlist, using the dir tree and names in the player, and store it in 
the player?



  ,>/'_          o__
  (_)\(_)        ,>/'_        o__
Yan Seiner      (_)\(_)       ,>/'_     o__
       Personal Trainer      (_)\(_)    ,>/'_        o__
             Professional Engineer     (_)\(_)       ,>/'_
Who says engineers have to be pencil necked geeks?  (_)\(_)

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