Update Collection

Gleb Litvjak blaster999 at gmail.com
Tue May 13 20:43:46 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 13 May 2008 23:31:33 Bill Moseley wrote:
> If I add files to my collection by external means (say I have another
> player that shares the same directory of file) what do I need to do to
> tell Amarok to add the new files to the collection?
> Is that what "Update Collection" is for?

Yes. If you leave the "watch folder for changes", Amarok will automatically 
add new files.

> How does that differ from "Rescan Collection"?

Rescan takes longer, and it builds the whole collection anew (sometimes it can 
help to fix the broken collection DB). Generally it's not needed, as "Update 
Collection" is much faster.


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