Google Summer of Code: Amarok CD Stack Collection View

Andreas Schäfer gentryx at
Mon Mar 24 20:52:34 UTC 2008

Hello again,

On 11:07 Mon 24 Mar     , Ian Monroe wrote:
> The current collection browser isn't going anywhere. Amarok 1.4 has
> always had opengl with its analyzers.
> Too early to be worrying about such things.

Agreed. I do also think that an OpenGL based implementation can be
quite efficient.

What would you guys think about the following schedule?
(dates and lengths again in weeks, relative to SoC begin)

Start-End Length What?
--------- ------ --------------------
0.0-1.0     1.0  Getting to know Amarok's code, build system etc.
1.0-3.0     2.0  Basic album listing widget 
                 (ugly looking, but with drag&drop and scolling) 
3.0-4.5     1.5  Improved font handling & track listing
4.5-6.5     1.0  Implement clickable tabs to expand/collapse 
                 parts of the collection (inline tabs, e.g. 
                 one for each artist)
6.5-9.0     1.0  Explore different visualization styles 
                 (e.g. flying covers only)
6.5-9.0     1.5  Improved visual presentation 
                 (animation, lighting & shading)
9.0-end     3.0  Buffer time (improve performance, clean up code, 
                 add configuration options etc.)

As mentioned earlier, I'll be in Kracow from June 22nd till June 26th,
which will cost me almost one week. Therefore the lengths of the
packets add up to just eleven weeks, but I'll cover up the lost time

Mid-term deliverables according to this schedule would be a scrollable
CD stack widget with drag & drop, not necessarily very nicely
animated, but with good looking fonts and tabs.

If this schedule and such is alright, I'll file in my submission
tomorrow. (pretty late 'round here already ^^) Again: any feedback
highly welcome.


Andreas Schäfer
Cluster and Metacomputing Working Group
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
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