Hello everyone

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Sat Mar 15 15:24:15 UTC 2008

On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 8:22 AM, Piotr Zaborski <pitazboras at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Well, lets hear them! The we can try to comment on how usable and
>  >  feasible they are! :-) Remember, the ideas on the wiki are just that,
>  >  some ideas that we came up with to give people an idea bout the kinds
>  >  of projects that are possible within the scope of Amarok. If you think
>  >  you have a better idea, or onw you would much rather work on, that is
>  >  perfectly fine too.
>  I was thinking about some kind of "home page" applet for Amarok. It
>  would appear when Amarok is not playing music (e.g. after start of
>  application) and would contain mainly a list of typical tasks like:
>  * playing favourite album/playlist/tracks,
>  * playing number of randomly chosen tracks,
>  * updating collection (is it "typical" enough to appear on this list?).
>  It can also display some useful information:
>  * statistics,
>  * recent/future events/album releases (the problem is to gain this
>  information - wikipedia contain some but it probably would be tricky
>  to convert it to useful form).

The last.fm applet does some of this.

>  This applet should also take into consideration music services - when
>  user have last.fm account, it may display their last.fm stats,
>  invitations to friends, shoutbox messages and so on (I havent't
>  already checked if it is possible to aggregate these pieces of
>  information in simple way).
>  This idea is quite similar to "Context View development and Applet
>  writing" idea on the list I mentioned before. I think these two could
>  be merged in some way.

Actually that idea calls for the student to create some applets and
dataengines so your idea is a part of that proposal.

This is lfranchi's baby so I'll leave it to him to make more helpful
comments. :)


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