
Dan Meltzer hydrogen at
Tue Mar 4 21:20:09 UTC 2008

SVN commit 782339 by dmeltzer:

Port the cover fetching to use the 'new' amazon web api.  The one we currently use is scheduled to be disabled at the end of the month.  This code is based on the patch in bug 155257 by Alf Eaton <sites at>  Please give this lots and lots of testing.
BUG: 155257
CCMAIL: amarok at

 M  +111 -64   coverfetcher.cpp  
 M  +4 -0      coverfetcher.h  

--- branches/stable/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/coverfetcher.cpp #782338:782339
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@
-    // Static license Key. Thanks muesli ;-)
-    const QString LICENSE( "D1URM11J3F2CEH" );
+    // Static license Key. Thanks hydrogen ;-)
+    const QString LICENSE( "11ZKJS8X1ETSTJ6MT802" );
     // reset all values
@@ -214,29 +214,24 @@
     // '&' breaks searching
+    QString locale = AmarokConfig::amazonLocale();
+    QString tld;
-    // Bug 97901: Import cover from amazon france doesn't work properly
-    // (we have to set "mode=music-fr" instead of "mode=music")
-    QString musicMode = AmarokConfig::amazonLocale() == "fr" ? "music-fr" : "music";
-    //Amazon Japan isn't on
-    QString tld = "com";
-    int mibenum = 4;  // latin1
-    if( AmarokConfig::amazonLocale() == "jp" ) {
-        musicMode = "music-jp";
-        tld = "";
-        mibenum = 106;  // utf-8
-    }
-    else if( AmarokConfig::amazonLocale() == "ca" )
-        musicMode = "music-ca";
+    if( locale == "us" )
+        tld = "com";
+    else if( locale =="uk" )
+        tld = "";
+    else
+        tld = locale;
+    int mibenum = 106; // utf-8
     QString url;
-    // changed to type=lite because it makes less traffic
-    url = "" + tld
-        + "/onca/xml3?t=webservices-20&dev-t=" + LICENSE
-        + "&KeywordSearch=" + KURL::encode_string_no_slash( query, mibenum )
-        + "&mode=" + musicMode
-        + "&type=lite&locale=" + AmarokConfig::amazonLocale()
-        + "&page=1&f=xml";
+    url = "http://ecs.amazonaws." + tld
+        + "/onca/xml?Service=AWSECommerceService&Version=2007-10-29&Operation=ItemSearch&AssociateTag=webservices-20&AWSAccessKeyId=" + LICENSE
+        + "&Keywords=" + KURL::encode_string_no_slash( query, mibenum )
+        + "&SearchIndex=Music&ResponseGroup=Small,Images";
     debug() << url << endl;
     KIO::TransferJob* job = KIO::storedGet( url, false, false );
@@ -273,63 +268,115 @@
-    const QDomNode details = doc.documentElement().namedItem( "Details" );
+    m_coverAsins.clear();
+    m_coverAmazonUrls.clear();
+    m_coverUrls.clear();
+    m_coverNames.clear();
     // the url for the Amazon product info page
-    m_amazonURL = details.attributes().namedItem( "url" ).toAttr().value();
-    QDomNode it = details.firstChild();
-    while ( !it.isNull() ) {
-        if ( it.isElement() ) {
-            QDomElement e = it.toElement();
-            if(e.tagName()=="Asin")
+    const QDomNodeList list = doc.documentElement().namedItem( "Items" ).childNodes();
+    for(int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++ )
+    {
+        QDomNode n = list.item( i );
+        if( n.isElement() && n.nodeName() == "IsValid" )
+        {
+            if( n.toElement().text() == "False" )
-                m_asin = e.firstChild().toText().data();
-                debug() << "setting the ASIN as" << m_asin << endl;
-                break;
+                warning() << "The XML Is Invalid!";
+                return;
-        it = it.nextSibling();
+        else if( list.item( i ).nodeName() == "Item" )
+        {
+            const QDomNode node = list.item( i );
+            debug() << "I Has an itemnode, parsing it!" << endl;
+            parseItemNode( node );
+        }
+    attemptAnotherFetch();
-    QString size = "ImageUrl";
-    switch( m_size ) {
-        case 0:  size += "Small";  break;
-        case 1:  size += "Medium"; break;
-        default: size += "Large";  break;
+void CoverFetcher::parseItemNode( const QDomNode &node )
+    QDomNode it = node.firstChild();
+    QString size;
+    switch( m_size )
+    {
+        case 0:  size = "Small";  break;
+        case 1:  size = "Medium"; break;
+        default: size = "Large";  break;
+    size += "Image";
     debug() << "Fetching size: " << size << endl;
-    m_coverAsins.clear();
-    m_coverAmazonUrls.clear();
-    m_coverUrls.clear();
-    m_coverNames.clear();
-    for( QDomNode node = details; !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling() ) {
-        QString amazonUrl = node.attributes().namedItem( "url" ).toAttr().value();
-        QString coverUrl = node.namedItem( size ).firstChild().toText().nodeValue();
-        QString asin = node.namedItem( "Asin" ).firstChild().toText().nodeValue();
-        QString name = node.namedItem( "ProductName" ).firstChild().toText().nodeValue();
+    while ( !it.isNull() ) {
+        if ( it.isElement() ) {
+            QDomElement e = it.toElement();
+            if(e.tagName()=="ASIN")
+            {
+                m_asin = e.text();
+                debug() << "setting the ASIN as" << m_asin << endl;
+                m_coverAsins += m_asin;
+            }
+            else if(e.tagName() == "DetailPageURL" )
+            {
+                m_amazonURL = e.text();
+                debug() << "Setting the details url to: " << m_amazonURL << endl;
+                m_coverAmazonUrls += m_amazonURL;
+            }
+            else if( e.tagName() == size )
+            {
+                QDomNode subIt = e.firstChild();
+                debug() << "NAME: "  << subIt.nodeName() << "VALUE: " << subIt.nodeValue() << endl;
+                while( !subIt.isNull() )
+                {
+                    if( subIt.isElement() )
+                    {
+                        QDomElement subE = subIt.toElement();
+                        if( subE.tagName() == "URL" )
+                        {
+                            const QString coverUrl = subE.text();
+                            m_coverUrls += coverUrl;
+                            debug() << "Setting Cover URL to: " << coverUrl << endl;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    subIt = subIt.nextSibling();
+                }
+            }
+            else if( e.tagName() == "ItemAttributes" )
+            {
+                QDomNodeList nodes = e.childNodes();
+                QDomNode iter;
+                QString artist;
+                QString album;
+                for( int i = 0; i < nodes.count(); i++ )
+                {
+                    iter = nodes.item( i );
-    const QDomNode  artists = node.namedItem("Artists");
-    // in most cases, Amazon only sends one Artist in Artists
-    QString artist = "";
-    if (!artists.isNull()) artist = artists.namedItem( "Artist" ).firstChild().toText().nodeValue();
-        debug() << "name:" << name << " artist:" << artist << " url:" << coverUrl << endl;
-        if( !coverUrl.isEmpty() )
-        {
-            m_coverAmazonUrls += amazonUrl;
-            m_coverAsins += asin;
-            m_coverUrls += coverUrl;
-            m_coverNames += artist + " - " + name;
+                    if( iter.isElement() )
+                    {
+                        if( iter.nodeName() == "Artist" )
+                        {
+                            artist = iter.toElement().text();
+                            debug() << "Set Artist to: " << artist << endl;
+                        }
+                        else if( iter.nodeName() == "Album" )
+                        {
+                            album = iter.toElement().text();
+                            debug() << "Set Album to: " << album << endl;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                m_coverNames += QString( artist + " - " + album );
+            }
+        it = it.nextSibling();
-    attemptAnotherFetch();
 CoverFetcher::finishedImageFetch( KIO::Job *job ) //SLOT
--- branches/stable/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/coverfetcher.h #782338:782339
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <qimage.h>       //stack allocated
 #include <qobject.h>      //baseclass
 #include <qstringlist.h>  //stack allocated
+#include <qdom.h>     //stack allocated
 namespace Amarok {
     void coverContextMenu(  QWidget *parent, QPoint point, const QString &artist, const QString &album, bool showCoverManager = true );
@@ -101,6 +102,9 @@
     /// The fetch was successful!
     void finish();
+    /// Parse one <Item> QDomNode and append results.
+    void parseItemNode( const QDomNode &node );
     /// The fetch failed, finish up and log an error message
     void finishWithError( const QString &message, KIO::Job *job = 0 );

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