[Feedback] album art

Jan Holthuis jan at holmek.de
Mon Jul 28 06:02:37 UTC 2008

Amarok does not fetch the covers automatically.
You have to rightclick on the CD-icon in the context view or in the 
collection view and then click on "Fetch cover from Amazon".

If that doesn't work, it's possible that you are using an old version of 
Amarok (< 1.4.9). Amazon changed their cover system so that older 
versions of amarok are unable to find any covers.

On Sunday 27 July 2008 20:48:26 parigigi at gmail.com wrote:
> Luigi Parigi sent a message using the contact form at
> http://amarok.kde.org/en/contact.
> I don't understand how and when amarok loads album arts from 
the net. I'm
> behind a proxy with authentication and this feature seems to not 
work. Note
> that I've correctly configured konqueror and I have kde wallet open 
> proxy password stored.
> What's wrong?
> PS: thanks to all for the splendid work you make: Amarok is the 
best music
> manager I've ever used!!!
> Report as inappropriate:
> http://amarok.kde.org/en/mollom/contact/27ab419a9a64f9a0
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