"dual booting" Amarok 2.0 (Windows / Linux)

Shane King kde at dontletsstart.com
Sat Jan 12 03:49:00 UTC 2008

Ian Monroe wrote:
> On Jan 11, 2008 9:13 AM, Holger <myth at finch.de> wrote:
>> I already use shared data/configuration for at least half a dozen other
>> programs and it usually works fine :-)
>> What does everybody else think?
> Those other programs aren't keeping track of files then I suppose.
> Since Amarok stores path information of music in the colleciton, and
> paths are going to differ between Windows and Linux, sharing an Amarok
> database between two computers or two operating systems doesn't happen
> for "free." Someone will have to work at it to make it function
> correctly.

I think it could be made to work if we treated collection folders the 
same way we do media devices, and stored relative paths against the 
collection folder (since the paths of the collection folders are stored 
in the config file, not the db).

Then again, I don't really get the need for it: the collection db is 
just a cache of info in the file tags. Scanning twice isn't that much of 
a pain, is it?


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