Problems with sqlite support with 1.4.8: no such table: uniqueid_temp

Rich rich at
Mon Feb 25 09:33:24 UTC 2008

On 2008.02.25. 11:26, Colin Guthrie wrote:
> Rich wrote:
> They should be created before a scan and removed afterwards. I've traced
> the calls and they *do* get created but they just don't appear to stick
> around. I think it must be either some mutli-threading or transaction
> commit type bug but I'm nowhere near certain.
>> for me, deviceid in those messages is '-1' (even though i haven't 
>> explicitly disabled dynamic collection and all the settings are defaults).
> This is expected: Local disk gets a device id of -1.

that's the thing, it was a usb disk :)

>> i'm on p3/733, so arch doesn't seem to make a difference here :)
> Thanks, 1 down, 41 more variables to go ;)
> Col

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