compile errors in svn amarok
hydrogen at
Tue Apr 8 22:23:27 UTC 2008
David Carlos Manuelda wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 April 2008 19:22:35 Dan wrote:
>> Big O wrote:
>>> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Mark Kretschmann <kretschmann at>
> wrote:
>>>> On 4/8/08, David Carlos Manuelda <stormbyte at> wrote:
>>>>> On Tuesday 08 April 2008 17:16:42 Leo Franchi wrote:
>>>> > > On Apr 8, 2008, at 11:07 AM, Big O wrote:
>>>> > > > so amarok is going to depend on all of kde now?
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Amarok 2 already depends on kdebase/runtime, as that includes
>>>> > > Oxygen etc. So without kdebase/runtime you get no style or icons
>>>> > > or windeco, which is not really usable.
>>>>> But I've not seen any dep on taglib 1.5 in kde stuff...
>>>> KDE depends on KDE-Support, which contains TagLib.
>>>> --
>>>> Mark
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Amarok mailing list
>>>> Amarok at
>>> AFAIK the only thing kde requires in kdesupport is strigi. So there is
>>> no hard dependency on kdesupport. Soprano is only necessary for
>>> nepomuk (optional) qca2 for kopete (again optional) eigen for that
>>> chemistry app, and taglib for juk (again optional).
>>> So like I said, is amarok going to depend on KDE? base and libs aren't
>>> all of KDE as you seem to be making it out to be; there's multimedia
>>> (which amarok also has some dependency on), graphics, edu, network,
>>> games, and maybe pim again with 4.1.
>>> Correct me if I'm wrong but taglib isn't a hard dependency of libs or
>>> base. I don't even think _anything_ in libs or base depends on it. So
>>> just because someone has KDE installed (read base and libs) doesn't
>>> mean they're going to have taglib. Especially for someone like a gnome
>>> user who isn't going to install kdemultimedia just to get juk, (that
>>> why they're using amarok after all) which would automatically get them
>>> taglib.
>>> And then there's mac. And then there's windows.
>> hydrogen at Yes:~/kde/src/amarok$ head -n29 CMakeLists.txt | tail -n2
>> set(TAGLIB_MIN_VERSION "1.5")
>> find_package(Taglib)
>> Read the cmakelists before raising a fuss, it will make the useless
>> noise on this list go down a lot.
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>> Amarok mailing list
>> Amarok at
> In that case cmake scripts are wrong, because I had taglib 1.4 installed and
> it DID NOT FAIL in configure stage.
Read my prior message to this thread.
I just recently set the min version to 1.5 because the cmake script had
not supported it before.
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