RFC: Let's make Amarok2 actually play music!

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Thu Sep 13 10:08:59 UTC 2007

Am Samstag 01 September 2007 schrieb Mark Kretschmann:
> Hey all,

Hi Mark!


> Personally I need a collection, and a playlist, and I need the thing
> to actually play music without crashing. Then I would consider
> switching to Amarok2. What about you?

- dynamic playlist with possibility to drop in own wishes just as I have 
it with Amarok 1.4

- lyrics

- co-existance witt Amarok 1.4.7 in case I need a feature of it that is 
not yet implemented in Amarok 2, maybe Amarok 2 should copy the Amarok 
1.4.7 database to a different file on first startup?

- nice and robust playback like with xine engine ;-) (except for rare 
skipping of a track when crossfading - this could better as I raised the 
crossfade time)

I also would like to have magnatune.com and lastfm support, but if that 
comes in 2.1 in the not to distant future after 2.0 that would be okay 
for me. Means I could live without those for a while or use Amarok 1.4.7 
if I need them.

I do not care very much about resource utilization, cause I think Amarok 
1.4.7 does quite fine already. It nicely plays on my old rusy ThinkPad 
T23 Amarok machine while it usually is running at 700 MHz instead of the 
maximum of 1.13 GHz and whenever I looked it didn't really use much CPU 
power either.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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