iPod Touch support

Kelvie Wong kelvie at ieee.org
Sun Oct 21 20:58:52 UTC 2007

Attached is a diff that helps the latest iPod Touch's work with the
latest libgpod (svn).

The touch is basically just an iPhone without the phone part, and thus
its itunesDir is also iTunes_Control.

When you set the ipod model to be Touch, it goes and looks for
iPod_Control.  If you leave it as undefined, as it usually is,
however, it works, but I'd think the user would be more likely to go
find his or her model in the list.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, don't the iPhone and Touch support video (a
few lines before that)? Or is the protocol for that different?

Index: amarok/src/mediadevice/ipod/ipodmediadevice.cpp
--- amarok/src/mediadevice/ipod/ipodmediadevice.cpp	(revision 727805)
+++ amarok/src/mediadevice/ipod/ipodmediadevice.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -1254,6 +1254,7 @@
                 m_supportsVideo = true;
                 debug() << "detected video-capable iPod" << endl;
+            case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_TOUCH_BLACK:
             case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MOBILE_1:
                 m_isMobile = true;
                 debug() << "detected iTunes phone" << endl;

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