Changing an NFS mount and path...

Colin Guthrie gmane at
Fri Nov 30 12:36:59 UTC 2007


I knew this day would come but I've been putting it off!!

A long time ago on my home server I had separate partitions for
/mnt/media (where I keep my movies and music) and /home (where I keep my
home). Following a RAID rebuild some time ago (year or so) I just put
all the space into /home as it just seemed to make more sense and would
make moving files around faster etc.

As I had several apps configured for the /mnt/media path (myth, amarok
etc.) I just did a bind mount of /home/media to /mnt/media.

OK, so "where's the NFS reference" I hear you all scream in
anticipation.. Well, I NFS export both /home and /mnt/media to my
network and I run amarok on my laptop. This has worked fine for ages,
but I recently upgraded my server and the whole bind mount thing has
confused it slightly! It detects that /mnt/media and /home are actually
part of the same filesystem and when I mount /home or /mnt/media it
displays a warning saying that they have the same filehandle and it
arbitrarily picks the first one. This means that on my client both /home
and /mnt/media both look like /mnt/media. This is clearly (IMO) a
problem/bug with the NFS server but that aside I should really use this
opportunity to tidy things up and get my paths right.

So I want to move my NFS path in Amarok but preserve the stats/ratings etc.

Looking in the db I can change the mount path in the devices table but
the real problem is that I'm changing how it's mounted.


As you can see the mount point has changed but so has the path.

Is there any way to update the path in the db nicely or will I just have
to do it all manually and find all tables that have a deviceid +
filename and update them accordingly?

Long winded way of asking quite a simple question!!


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