Looking for sqlite converter for migration from 1.4.7 back to 1.4.4

Seb Ruiz ruiz at kde.org
Sun Nov 18 20:34:32 UTC 2007

On 19/11/2007, Juergen Starek
<quiterigorouslyfilteredusenetaccount at starek.net> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I need to "migrate" from Amarok 1.4.7 back to 1.4.4 and would like to
> keep all my song ratings etc.
> Until now, I could not find any scripts on the web that convert Amarok
> databases. Also, there seem to be no hints on the amarok mailing lists.
> Does anyone from the development team have a script for this? Or can
> someone give me a hint about what has changed in the database format?
> Many thanks in advance!

Backporting is quite simply NOT supported. You would have to trawl
through the source code to determine the changes made to the database.
Why do you need to downgrade anyway.

Seb Ruiz


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