OBEX music-transfer script for sony-ericsson phones

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Sat Nov 10 17:52:19 UTC 2007

Bart Cerneels wrote:
> Hi list,
> I noticed some Amarok users (and dev's) also have a music phone. I have
> a SonyEricsson that I've been using for listening to podcasts for more
> than a year now.
> Here is a Python script I use to transfer podcast episodes, downloaded
> using Amarok to my phone using the Objext Exchange protocol over USB.
> The script uses OpenOBEX, Obexftp and it's Python bindings.

I've done this far more simply in the past. Just browse to your phone in
Konq and and copy the URL (should be something like
obex://aa:bb:cc/path/to/Music) and use this as the "mount point" for a
Generic media device in amarok.

There was a bug in the generic media device code that prevented this
working smoothly in the past but I remember working with a dev to try
and get this licked. I've not tried for a while so there may be bugs in
this method now... I remember trailing slashes caused issues in some


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