OBEX music-transfer script for sony-ericsson phones

Bart Cerneels bart.cerneels at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 15:20:36 UTC 2007

Hi list,

I noticed some Amarok users (and dev's) also have a music phone. I have a
SonyEricsson that I've been using for listening to podcasts for more than a
year now.
Here is a Python script I use to transfer podcast episodes, downloaded using
Amarok to my phone using the Objext Exchange protocol over USB.
The script uses OpenOBEX, Obexftp and it's Python bindings.

Here is how I use this with Amarok 1.4:
 - I created a generic audio player wich has ~/tmp/podcasts as mountpoint
and ~/bin/obex_transfer ~/tmp/podcasts as post-disconnect command.
 - I plug in my SonyEricsson K610i using the USB cable that came with it and
select Telephone Mode on the phone.
 - When all files are transferred to the local folder I press "Disconnect"
in the mediadevice browser.
Now the files are transferred to the phone using the OBEX over USB protocol.
Unfortunately Amarok doesn't fork the disconnect command and blocks while
the script is running. Another option is to run the script manually from the
command line, so Amarok keeps functioning.

There are a few things hardcoded in the script, like the location of the
podcasts on the phone. I put them on my 1GB MS Micro using the path "Memory
Stick/Music", one folder per podcasts channel. Also, only the first USB OBEX
device is used. This could theoretically be done over Bluetooth and IR, but
I didn't try that yet.

More info and a link to the script on this blog post:

Hope it's useful.

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