[Feedback] Windows version

Nick Tryon dhraak at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 04:55:39 UTC 2007

On 3/3/07, Colin Guthrie <gmane at colin.guthr.ie> wrote:
> 1) Use VMWare: have a minimal Linux install and run Amarok that way.
> or
> 2) Use a XServer/VNC Client and rum Amarok on a remote machine and use
> the PulseAudio output system for Xine to output the sound on your
> Windows machine which runs a PulseAudio daemon.
> Not tested either method but both /should/ work.

Like this:  http://people.fruitsalad.org/lauri/krazykiwi/archives/178-roKin-on-Windows.html

I remembered seeing it some time last year.  I would've replied
sooner, but the #amarok channel bot is down and I couldn't look it up
quite so easily.  (But it turned out to be the second result with
gg:amarok windows bsd X11

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