amarok doubt

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin at
Fri Jun 1 12:13:10 UTC 2007

Friday 01 June 2007 skrev manoj mathai:
> i have a collection of about 500+ songs. the collection spans multiple
> folders. what i want is a single playlist of all the songs in my
> collection and to play them randomly. the playlist shud be dynamic in
> the sense that when i add/del/rename/move,etc files in collection, it
> shud be reflected in the playlist. this need not be automatic,
> manually initiating the playlist update process using gui will do. and
> also searching this playlist as and when reqd to queue/play particular
> songs. can this be achieved in amarok ??

  You might want to give the Random Mix dynamic playlist a shot. It will play 
tracks from your entire collection in random order, and because it shows a 
sort of playback queue rather than pulling in the entire collection, it will 
automatically take new tracks added to the collection into account. Hope this 
works for you :) (what you're describing (loading the entire collection and 
playing that in random) is a more xmms-ish or winamp-ish way of handling 
playback, and isn't really what Amarok is designed for - the dynamic 
playlists try and solve the same sort of use case, but in a different, more 
featureful manner)

..Dan // Leinir..

"A Vast Swimmer Keeps No Pets"
 - Saemus Z. Harper, Andromeda 1:14

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