Xine, amarok, kaffeine incompatibility
Rex Dieter
rdieter at
Tue Jul 17 17:32:11 UTC 2007
Trever Fischer wrote:
> Fedora is not as strongly affiliated with Red Hat as they used to be.
> Fedora, for all intents and purposes, is a totally separate organization.
> Since this schism (which actually happened at the end of FC4's release),
> Fedora supporters have been hard at work towards making KDE on fedora
> better.
amen brother!
> Regardless, Amarok shouldn't freeze when it tries to play MP3s. It should
> simply show the error messsage about the engine not being able to play
> that file format.
Agreed. Unless I'm mistaken, I'm pretty sure this requires modification to
amarok and/or xine. Suggestions?
Otherwise, we ( can modify amarok's .desktop file to not
include MimeTypes that aren't supported out of the box (like .mp3).
> Its really the Fedora organization's fault for not supporting MP3/whatever
> right out of the box. But its not like they totally prevent it. Their main
> drive is for libre software. That doesn't mean they don't give
> instructions how to add other software repos like livna/atrpms that
> contain the non libre software.
Fedora's fault? Hardly. Instead blame patents and US law. Legally,
fedora can neither include mp3 support, nor provide any direct links on how
to obtain it (read up on "contributory infringement").
It gets worse: one can argue that GPL software providing mp3 support is
strictly violating the GPL (see clause 7 of GPLv2). I'm just glad I'm not
one to argue. :)
-- Rex
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