1.4-SVN [NOTstripped][validity: 1.00][frames: 2][xine]
Andrew Turner
andrewturner512 at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 23 17:46:43 UTC 2007
Having just looked at my/Jeff's changes to DeviceManager, I start to
wonder if they were right. It seems from looking that after having
called getDevice, the pointer is always deleted. This is not what I
thought happened, and will be what's causing the crash.
I'm going out soon, but will fix this tomorrow if nobody else has -
maybe the easiest way is to just revert most of the changes to
devicemanager.cpp, given we are so close to a release... otherwise,
the thing to do would be to remove almost all the delete calls (and
maybe create a removeDevice method that deletes a device and removes
it from the mediumMap, for the cases where devices are truly being
On 23/01/07, Dan Meltzer <hydrogen at notyetimplemented.com> wrote:
> Dynamic Collections-- removing any mount point or adding any mount point ends
> in explosion here with nfs. In this case my normal collection (local) was
> at /mnt/music and I mounted a nfs directory at /mnt, amarok went boom :(
> Amarok has crashed! We are terribly sorry about this :(
> But, all is not lost! You could potentially help us fix the crash. Information
> describing the crash is below, so just click send, or if you have time, write
> a brief description of how the crash happened first.
> Many thanks.
> The information below is to help the developers identify the problem, please
> do not modify it.
> ======== DEBUG INFORMATION =======
> Version: 1.4-SVN
> Engine: xine-engine
> Build date: Jan 22 2007
> CC version: 4.1.1 (Gentoo 4.1.1-r3)
> KDElibs: 3.5.5
> Qt: 3.3.6
> TagLib: 1.4.0
> CPU count: 1
> ==== file `which amarokapp` =======
> /usr/kde/3.5/bin/amarokapp: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1
> (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not
> stripped
> ==== (gdb) bt =====================
> Using host libthread_db library "/lib/libthread_db.so.1".
> `system-supplied DSO at 0xffffe000' has disappeared; keeping its symbols.
> [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
> 0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
> #0 0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
> #0 0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
> No symbol table info available.
> ==== (gdb) thread apply all bt ====
> ==== kdBacktrace() ================
> [
> 0: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libkdecore.so.4(_Z11kdBacktracei+0x44) [0x4deaf7d4]
> 1: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libkdecore.so.4(_Z11kdBacktracev+0x2a) [0x4deafb1a]
> 2: amarokapp(_ZN6Amarok5Crash12crashHandlerEi+0xca4) [0x804deb2]
> 3: [0xffffe420]
> 4: amarokapp(_ZN7QStringD1Ev+0x1f) [0x804e57f]
> 5: amarokapp(_ZN14QValueListNodeI7QStringED1Ev+0x20) [0x804e69c]
> 6: amarokapp(_ZN17QValueListPrivateI7QStringED1Ev+0x3e) [0x804e6e0]
> 7: amarokapp(_ZN17QValueListPrivateI7QStringE14derefAndDeleteEv+0x32)
> [0x804e75a]
> 8: amarokapp(_ZN10QValueListI7QStringED2Ev+0x1f) [0x804e78b]
> 9: amarokapp(_ZN11QStringListD1Ev+0x1d) [0x804e7af]
> 10: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN6MediumD1Ev+0x1d) [0x4319bdc3]
> 11: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN14QValueListNodeIK6MediumED1Ev+0x20)
> [0x4319ef0a]
> 12: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN17QValueListPrivateIK6MediumED1Ev+0x74)
> [0x4319efb2]
> 13: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
> (_ZN17QValueListPrivateIK6MediumE14derefAndDeleteEv+0x32) [0x4319eff6]
> 14: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN10QValueListIK6MediumED1Ev+0x1f)
> [0x4319f027]
> 15: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
> (_ZN13DeviceManager9getDeviceE7QString+0x249) [0x4319d4db]
> 16: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
> (_ZN13DeviceManager13mediumChangedE7QString+0x5d) [0x4319d54f]
> 17: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
> (_ZN6Amarok18DcopDevicesHandler13mediumChangedE7QString+0x3a) [0x433579ee]
> 18: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
> (_ZN22AmarokDevicesInterface7processERK8QCStringRK9QMemArrayIcERS0_RS4_+0x35d)
> [0x4334c5e9]
> 19: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libDCOP.so.4
> (_ZN10DCOPClient7receiveERK8QCStringS2_S2_RK9QMemArrayIcERS0_RS4_+0x764)
> [0x4da0abc4]
> 20: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libDCOP.so.4 [0x4da0ef32]
> 21: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libDCOP.so.4
> (_ZN10DCOPClient29processPostedMessagesInternalEv+0xac) [0x4da0f16c]
> 22: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libDCOP.so.4(_ZN10DCOPClient9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject+0x6b)
> [0x4da0f23b]
> 23: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
> (_ZN7QObject15activate_signalEP15QConnectionListP8QUObject+0x169)
> [0x4d560059]
> 24: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QObject15activate_signalEi+0xbd)
> [0x4d560cad]
> 25: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN6QTimer7timeoutEv+0x29) [0x4d893df9]
> 26: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN6QTimer5eventEP6QEvent+0x3e) [0x4d58310e]
> 27: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
> (_ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x97) [0x4d5014d7]
> 28: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
> (_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x71) [0x4d502051]
> 29: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libkdecore.so.4
> (_ZN12KApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x1de) [0x4de9d4be]
> 30: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop14activateTimersEv+0x1f9)
> [0x4d4f6679]
> 31: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop13processEventsEj+0x80c)
> [0x4d4b1d0c]
> 32: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop9enterLoopEv+0x50) [0x4d517bd0]
> 33: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop4execEv+0x26) [0x4d517a56]
> 34: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN12QApplication4execEv+0x1f) [0x4d500f6f]
> 35: amarokapp [0x804d062]
> 36: /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc) [0x49e0987c]
> 37: amarokapp(_ZN6QGList5clearEv+0xcd) [0x804c6c1]
> ]
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