artwork for the Amarok project

Mark Kretschmann markey at
Tue Jan 23 12:49:48 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 23 January 2007 13:29, Conor Dowdall wrote:
> I would like to contribute artwork to the Amarok project. Could you
> send me some information about what is required.

Conor, we very much welcome your offer to contribute artwork. In fact right 
now we have a great need especially for icons. We plan to release Amarok 
1.4.5 as soon as February 1, but as you might have noticed, there are still 
some icons missing from our icon theme. If you could helps us with the icon 
theme, that would be really cool.

Also, we are unhappy with the look of some of the icons. Especially 
the "Configure" icon appears rather ugly, and also the "Save Playlist" icon 
above the playlist. It would be great if you could improve these.

I'll be happy to provide any further information you need. You can also talk 
to us on IRC, on the channels #amarok and #rokymotion on freenode. My nickname 
is markey.


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