Question regarding libgpod

Colin Guthrie gmane at
Sat Jan 20 13:09:46 UTC 2007


Just wondering (not tried as I don't generally build from SVN) if amarok
(1.4.4 and upcoming 1.4.5) compiles correctly against libgpod 0.4.2.

Seeing as Seb is away just now, I updated his kipi-plugin to fix a small
API change in libgpod 0.4.2. This was related to photo support but not
sure if Amaork uses this or not.

Ideally, seeing as this is going to be the last release for a while, I
think that at least 1.4.5 should probably compile against libgpod 0.4.2.

I can check if you like and no-one else is doing it, but I'm guessing
there are people more setup for this than I am.



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