Why does amarok tries to run KMail?

Dâniel Fraga fragabr at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 15:59:05 UTC 2007

On Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:57:44 +0200
Rich <rich at hq.vsaa.lv> wrote:

> amarok uses default mail client set in kde configuration. for
> example, here it opens thunderbird.

	Ok, but the problem is that I'm using Amarok without the full
KDE installation. I'm just using the kdelibs, as suggested here:


	So, where kdelibs has the information of the default mail
client so i can change it? Thank you!

	Ps: i tried google, but only could find steps to configure it
based on a full KDE installation.

Linux 2.6.19: Avast! A bilge rat!
Sao Paulo - SP

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