"Show Favorite Tracks" in Context browser does not display

Brian Propp lightningspark at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 09:10:51 UTC 2007

> >     favorite tracks are only shown if you have some tracks played - they
> are
> >     selected by score. try to play some tracks by single artist, and
> >     'favorite tracks' block should appear.
> >
> > Well...when I used 1.4.3, the favorite tracks tab would pop up
> > immediately after the conclusion of a single track.  What is the minimum
> > # of tracks played or minimum scores in 1.4.4?
> there's no minimum, but those are shown only for the same artist.
> in svn, there was a slight breakage when moving to float scores, but
> that should not be relevant to 1.4.4...
> have you tried playing three tracks by the same artist ? "the same" as
> in "exact string, including capitalisation" :)
> ...

Oh yes.  I have played  more than three.  Amarok is properly keeping check
of everything because I can access the info in the STATISTICS window, but
the context window display of favorite tracks will not work.  This is an odd
situation. :)

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