How to tell Amarok which Magnatune albums I have purchased?

Dirk Heinrichs ext-dirk.heinrichs at
Fri Feb 9 07:24:42 UTC 2007

Am Donnerstag, 8. Februar 2007 schrieb ext Nikolaj Hald Nielsen:

> Ok, you can try this, but no guarantees that it will work! :-)
> you need to create a file  named "ARTIST_NAME - ALBUM_NAME" in
> ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ (note the space
> before and after the '-' ) with the following contents:
> <URL_128KMP3ZIP>  --URL_TO_128KB_MP3--  </URL_128KMP3ZIP>
> <DL_MSG> Any message will work </DL_MSG>
> this info can be harvested from your confirmation email and the
> download page it links to. You do not have to add all the format lines
> though...

Thanks a lot. It works just fine. Hint for others: The lines should actually 
have the format <TAG>value</TAG> (without blanks surrounding the value).


Dirk Heinrichs          | Tel:  +49 (0)162 234 3408
Configuration Manager   | Fax:  +49 (0)211 47068 111
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