amarok and SuSE updater

J Sloan joe at
Thu Feb 8 03:15:22 UTC 2007

Donn Washburn wrote:
> J Sloan wrote:
>> Donn Washburn wrote:
>>> Well this AM running amarokapp as root an error message suggested
>>> $ cd /path/to/amarok/source-code/
>>> $ su -c "make uninstall"
>>> $ ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` && su -c "make install"
>>> $ kbuildsycoca
>>> $ amarok
>> LOL, sounds like your problem is that you're trying to build tarballs
>> instead of letting the system do the work for you - why not just "smart
>> install amarok" and be happy?
>> Joe
> Well back up after a complete reload.  The reason is rather simple.
> Bbecause you learn what a program wants and I also build into the source 
> a athlon-xp and not a i586.  Besides not all RPMs have the same libraries.
> After SuSE's screwing up the system with a ZMD-Updater of libzypp 
> (zupper).  I did chase down a SuSE amaorok 1.4.5 RPM.  I install3ed it 
> and it failed because it was built with a hard coded older lib for I 
> forgot which one.  A link fixed that but then libvisual showed up 
> screwed up.
> Right out of the box SuSE 10.2's amarok 1.4.4 fails due to xine-lib.
> Legal reasons have crippled xine.

Sure, out of the box the multimedia stuff is not fully functional, thanks to
the DMCA, the RIAA and their bloodsucking lawyers - but standard procedure for
me after a suse install has been to update it with the usual repos (guru,
packman) which has always gotten all the multimedia stuff working for me.

Some may prefer to build their own programs by hand, and if that's you, more
power to you, but I haven't found enough of an advantage in doing that to
justify the extra work.

To each his own though, that's the beauty of open source.


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